
Tattwa Cards

 Tattwa Cards.  How to Use Them. Tattwa Ancient Hindu Symbols. It is a great system and  it is the method the greatest of them all.  You will gain knowledge the use and practice of the Symbols – also their extension into other things.  Your first requirement is to get familiar with the element and with passing thru the door easily. Step back thru the door and again feel yourself going thru the door and again feel it closing behind you. Tattwa Ancient Hindu Symbols It is a great system and  it is the method the greatest of them all.  Tattva cards are divided into five categories Akasha, Tejas, Vayu, Apas and Prithivi.  Each category has a card for the main tattva symbol, plus 4 additional cards containing smaller images of the remaining tattvas.  This method has been called the Tattwa method of Astral.  Projection or Astral Projection thru, and by means, of the Tattwa Symbols. This method has also been called Clairvoyance by means of the Tattwa symbols. In the case of the following inst