Tattwa Cards

 Tattwa Cards. 

How to Use Them.Tattwa Cards

Tattwa Ancient Hindu Symbols. It is a great system and  it is the method the greatest of them all. 
You will gain knowledge the use and practice of the Symbols – also their extension into other things. 
Your first requirement is to get familiar with the element and with passing thru the door easily. Step back thru the door and again feel yourself going thru the door and again feel it closing behind you.

Tattwa Ancient Hindu Symbols

It is a great system and  it is the method the greatest of them all. 
Tattva cards are divided into five categories Akasha, Tejas, Vayu, Apas and Prithivi. 
Each category has a card for the main tattva symbol, plus 4 additional cards containing smaller images of the remaining tattvas. 
This method has been called the Tattwa method of Astral. 
Projection or Astral Projection thru, and by means, of the Tattwa Symbols. This method has also been called Clairvoyance by means of the Tattwa symbols. In the case of the following instruction-practices the distinction between Clairvoyance and Astral Projection disappears and the two things become as one for all practical purposes. 
The basic fact – that all outer things come from the Inner and also that the Inner is the Real “thing” while the outer is the symbol only of the Inner “THING”. 
You will receive of the directions for making and coloring the symbol cards. The symbols you will use for this first work will consist of the Tattwa symbols. 
Further you will gain knowledge the use and practice of the Symbols – also their extension into other things. 
Your first requirement is to get familiar with the element and with passing thru the door easily. Step back thru the door and again feel yourself going thru the door and again feel it closing behind you. Make this return very definite and exact. Do not, for example, return suddenly by just opening your eyes and getting up physically. 
This system is truly a deep inner plane system and can bring you into touch with the inhabitants of these Inner planes. So stay away from too much of this advanced system until you are really ready to do this advanced work.

Tattwa Composite Chart

You can use this chart showing all the tattwa cards to create your own:
Tattwa Composite Chart

Create your own Tattwa Cards deck

In this system you are going to practice Astral projection plus Clairvoyance thru a series of Symbols called the Tattwa Symbols. 
The basic physical appearance of these symbols will be a diagram drawn and then colored, on, at first, a clean new sheet of paper-card board and, later, when you have mastered a little Art ability you will draw-color the Symbols on parchment. 
The appearance of the Symbols is as follows – 
1. Akasa-Ether – Egg shaped, black or indigo also a shape called the Vesica Piscis which is usually colored indigo. The name vesica piscis is the name for the inside of a fish, cut open as it were. There is more to this shape than that but get it yourself thru your meditation. 
You will not use the Akasa symbol in your first work. So make the symbol for now but do not attempt to use it. Its use requires more advanced knowledge. 
2. Vayu-Air – Circle – colored blue medium. 
3. Tejas-Fire – Triangle – red. 
4. Apas-Water – Crescent – white. 
5. Prithivi-Earth – Oblong – yellow. 
These symbols should be made on cards five inches by four inches. 
The supplies you will need are – 
1. A good ink and pencil compass. 
2. The right size paper already cut to fit. 
3. A good ruler. 
4. India Ink. 
5. Good ink pens. 
6. Genuine parchment. This can wait for some time. 
7. Assorted colors of the right type. 
8. Various sized brushes of good quality and a few other things. 
That you draw, and color, a large number of symbols on paper in order to develop some art skill necessary to do a good job. 
The first symbol you will make and use will be the Earth – Prithivi symbol. An oblong painted Golden Yellow. 
An easy way to make this symbol is to set up your 4 x 5 card (keep it clean) Take your ruler and draw lightly with a hard pencil, two lines from each corner to the other crossing them of course, in the center. 
Then take the ruler and measure 1 ½” away from the center cross on each line away from the center. Place a dot there at each point. Connect all these dots with a line. You should then have an oblong. 
Now take the drawing pen and load it with ink and accurately outline the oblong. Allow the ink to dry thoroughly. When the lines are dry take your Golden Yellow water color and carefully paint the oblong bringing the color right up to the ink line with a small brush (in kit) Allow to dry etc. Before painting however remove the pencil lines from the drawing with an eraser. 
Now proceed with the circle symbol. Make the same kind of lines, from corner to corner. Then take the compass and make a circle using the point where the lines cross as the center and using your judgement as to size. Then take the compass and turn it into the ink compass, ink it and cover the pencil circle with ink. When dry remove the pencil marks. Then paint the circle blue. 
For the crescent and the triangle you will need some other kinds of lines. There are other ways to make these symbols and a skilled draftsman could do it easily but this for ordinary people who are not skilled in this sort of work and do not do it for a living as it were. All these ordinary people will need are some simple fool proof directions. If you are skilled then make them anyway you please. The only point is – you should do the work yourself. 
Next you should make the triangle. Take your 4 x 5 card, divide it in half long ways, then divide it again in half middle short-ways. Now draw a line ¼” of an inch below the short middle line. Then measure up from where this lower line crosses the middle dividing line on the long ways 2” and put a dot there. Then go back to the same point you started from and measure out on each side 1” and put a dot on each point. Fill in the lines with pencil and then ink them in carefully. Make them as accurate as you can. 
 When the ink is dry paint the triangle in red color. 
Now make the crescent. Divide the 4 x 5 card down the middle long ways. Measure down from the top of the card 1 ¼” and make a dot there, call this dot #1. Now measure down 7/8” make a dot and number it #2. Now measure down again ½” and make a dot and label it dot #3. So you should have three dots numbered 1. 2. and 3. 
Now take your compass, put the sharp point at dot #1 and the lead point part at dot #3 Make a half circle, it is not necessary to make a full circle. Now put the sharp point of the compass at  the #2 dot and, not changing the setting of the compass, make another half circle, making the two ends of the circle meet. Where these two ends meet and cross should make a crescent. 
Now change the compass to the ink pen and carefully ink in the crescent. 
Later on, if you wish, you can experiment with painting the crescent a pale lavender and also painting the card pale lavender with the crescent black. But for now leave the crescent white and the rest of the card black. Wash the India ink out carefully from the brush or the brush will be ruined. 
You now have your four main symbols painted in their primary colors. It is true that there is another symbol called Akasha but as you will not use that symbol for some time will leave the description as to how to make this symbol until the last section as said before. 
In your future work you will need these symbols prepared in four different ways, or sixteen in all and, including the Akasha to be made, twenty all told. You now have one symbol made up and so draw and ink the outlines of three more of each symbol. 
What you are going to do is to make up the combinations of colors and their complementary colors. The table of complementary colors is as follows – 
White -- Complemetary to Black and/or Grey. 
 Red -- Green. 
 Blue -- Orange. 
 Yellow -- Violet. 
 Olive -- Red-Orange. 
 Blue Green -- Russet. 
 Violet -- Citrine. 
 Reddish Orange -- Green Blue. 
 Deep Amber -- Indigo. 
 Lemon Yellow -- Red Violet. 
 Yellow Green -- Crimson. 
You can now proceed to paint in the proper colors on the outlines that you have prepared. We will again start with the Earth symbol. You have now an Earth symbol – a square oblong – painted golden yellow. Take your next inked outline. Paint the square Golden Yellow. Then paint the remainder of the space on the card, around the symbol, Violet. Do a good job. Next take another inked symbol and reverse this color scheme. Paint the symbol violet and the background golden yellow. Take another inked symbol, paint the symbol violet and leave the background white. You now have the Earth symbol in four different combinations and in later work you will use the different cards for different kinds of work. 
Next take the symbol of Water, the crescent. This one is a little different because of the white and black and because the paper is already white which makes it a little confusing. The symbol you have now is a white crescent with a black background. (if you want to you can use white paint on this white part but white paint is a little funny to handle and really doesn’t look very white.) However for these symbols you had better use the white paint and not depend on the white of the paper for your white symbol color. Putting the white paint on will at least give you the feel of doing something about it. 
So take your inked crescent and paint the crescent black and leave the rest white or paint it white as aforesaid but there is so much space here that I will leave it up to you as to what you want to do. Take another inked symbol and paint the symbol white and leave the background white. Is a little confusing but leave it that way for now and later you will understand it better. This confusion is typical of the element of Water and its inherent nature which nature is instability and changeableness in many degrees. 
Next take the symbol of Fire the triangle. You have one in which the triangle is painted red and the background left white. Take an inked outline. Paint the triangle green and the background red. Take another inked outline. Paint the triangle red and then paint the background green. Take another inked outline. Paint the triangle green and leave the background white. 
This should complete the work for the preliminary layout of your Elemental Symbols. You learned to enjoy this work. Making magical tools is a fascinating occupation. You are probably tired now and ready to take a rest from these labors. 
This is properly the end of section one. The reason for these symbols being the shapes they are and the connections thereby to the Inner forces they represent will be explained in part two, which follows. 
That different kinds of symbols could be used and used for different kinds of things-operations. There has been some information given about the use of the simple symbol, the symbol with the inked outline painted in the primary color, but none about the other kinds of reversed colors, those that you have just painted. These symbols have reversed uses as for example if you are working for yourself you will use one kind of symbol and if you are working for others you will use another kind of symbol. If you are working for things in general you will use another kind of color arrangement. Some of these uses will be given to you and some of you will have to get thru your own efforts. Several times here have used different spellings for the Tattwas. This on purpose because different books and persons spell them differently you to recognize the word no matter how it is spelled.

The use and practice of the Symbols

For the first Inner plane work of this system you should use the symbol of the element of Earth – the golden yellow oblong. (Later on you will learn about another form of this Earth element symbol which symbol is called Earth of Earth. In case you know about this symbol already but the ordinary golden oblong Earth symbol.) 
First – Set up your room. For this work you can have a small table in the center of the room and a comfortable chair as well as a source of good light but not too bright. 
First perform the cabalistic cross ritual. Always preceed your work with this ritual – do the four winds part also. When you have reached the fourth quarter, have invoked the Archangel Auriel and visualized the scene described , then, instead of proceeding with the ritual and closing it you can stop at this point. You may seat yourself and arrange the table and chair so that you face the quarter of the North. You should have on the table the card with the Golden Yellow oblong on it and also another card of the same size which should be blank white. You may also have a support to hold the card upright so that you don’t have to hold it in your hand during this work. 
When you are ready take up the symbol and gaze at it steadily for about two-three minutes. The light should be focused on the card but not be too bright. You may blink your eyes easily. Do not strain yourself but act naturally and relaxed. If you find you can hold the card steady then hold it but if you can’t then use the stand. 
After two or three minutes set the symbol card down and pick up the white blank card, the oblong symbol but in the complementary color which, in this case, is violet. The violet symbol will have a tendency to disappear and then appear for some time, before it fades. 
Now close your eyes. You will see the violet square before you by the reflex action of your sense of sight. Forcefully visualize this square and MAKE IT BECOME LARGE BEFORE YOU. That is enlarge it in your imagination until it becomes large enough to act LIKE A DOOR. NOW, IN YOUR IMAGINATION, STEP THRU THIS DOOR. SEE AND FEEL YOURSELF GOING THRU THIS VIOLET SQUARE AS IF IT WAS A DOOR. SENSE AND FEEL THE DOOR CLOSING BEHIND YOU. MAKE AN EFFORT TO FEEL YOURSELF INSIDE THE ELEMENT OF EARTH. 
You should have visualized this scenery of this North quarter many times before this. NOW YOU ARE THERE INSIDE IT!!! Make an effort to see about you. Make an effort to SEE the scene that you have visualized so many times before. 
After you have entered the door several times and have made several attempts to look about you and when you have gotten some feel of the element and of being inside it you can proceed to sound off, or vibrate, the following names – Vibrate aloud the divine name Adonaiha-aretz – three or four times. Then vibrate the name of the Archangel of Earth – Auriel then vibrate the name Phorlakh, the Angel of Earth. 
The vibration of these names should cause changes to take place in the scenery and it should come alive, colors should appear more strongly. You may sense beings there and feel that one of them approaches you. 
However do not, without further instructions, proceed to do any more than observe then “scenery” for now and for a long time. Your first requirement is to get familiar with the element and with passing thru the door easily. 
To return to the outer earth plane from the inner earth plane you reverse the process. Step back thru the door and again feel yourself going thru the door and again feel it closing behind you. Make this return very definite and exact. Do not, for example, return suddenly by just opening your eyes and getting up physically. 
Keep the two planes separate and apart from each other. End the work in the Inner and return to earth following a definite path or route.
Do not repeat this work-experiment too often especially at first. Take it easy. Consult your Moon Sign Book always and keep a record of the best times and those of the slow times especially. As said before advanced work along these lines is available and you should contact me before going further with this system. 
You have, at your disposal, three other inner plane systems which will give you all the safe inner plane work you can handle for a long time; and to accomplish practically all you can want to accomplish for ordinary things and in ordinary magical work, especially work pertaining to your physical well being and practical work having to do with your material supply mean money. 
This system is truly a deep inner plane system and can bring you into touch with the inhabitants of these Inner planes. So stay away from too much of this advanced system until you are really ready to do this advanced work. Dealing with the inhabitants of the Inner planes is almost an Art in itself and has to be learned as were the other arts. They will not be of much use to you as you might think. These inhabitants are little more than personalized forces and dealing with them requires exact knowledge and techniques. They are not human in any way. 
There are a few more applications of this symbol method that you can start using for now. Let us suppose you are seeking some special knowledge about a certain subject. You will have to find a symbol that represents that special knowledge. To find that symbol you will have to have a system of some kind in order to locate the exact symbol in relation to other things. The system is the Caballa. In the Caballa system is a diagram called the “Tree of Life” On this tree is arranged all things. You find on this tree what thing you seek knowledge about and generally there are a number of symbols connected with that thing. You then make and color a composite symbol of the knowledge you am looking for. You then proceed to work with this symbol the same way as laid out in the preceeding instructions. You then carefully note what you see in the place you go to using the symbol as a door etc. The knowledge is very revealing. 
You should make up a symbol of your astrological sign and of your planetary ruler and use them as doors to enter the Inner planes where they exist and thus learn all about them and become in tune with them. A very necessary part of your work.

How to Use Them. Try this

You decide to print them and use them yourself… they have no instructions!? Then what? 
Try this. 
Each day, take a card.  Study it carefully for a few minutes with your eyes open.  Then look away from it, at a bright white wall or other surface.  You should find that the reverse-color image manifests in your vision on the white wall. 
When you can reliably achieve this vision with any card in the deck, close your eyes, and try to imagine the image becoming a doorway.  Walk through that doorway, and experience the landscape beyond. When you have finished studying that landscape, return to your body and write in a journal what you have seen.  Note down whether you think the visionary landscape you encountered actually matches the symbolic intent of the card. 
You may discover that with some practice, your visionary experience, and the symbolic intent of the card, match up surprisingly well.

Tattwa Cards - Elements and Subsets

Earth-Seed of Earth: Foundation
Earth-Seed of Water: Boldness 
Earth-Seed of Fire: Potential 
Earth-Seed of Air: Aspiration 
Earth-Seed of Ether: Renewal 
Water-Seed of Water: Diplomacy
Water-Seed of Earth: Alliances 
Water-Seed of Fire: Creative Tension 
Water-Seed of Air: Effervescence 
Water-Seed of Ether: Synergy 
Fire-Seed of Fire: Resolve
 Fire-Seed of Earth: Alchemy 
Fire-Seed of Water: Vaporization 
Fire-Seed of Air: Perseverance 
Fire-Seed of Ether: Transmutation
Air-Seed of Air: The Supernal Nurturer
Air-Seed of Earth: Squaring the Circle
Air-Seed of Water: Calm
Air-Seed of Fire: Mutual Harmony
Air-Seed of Ether: Transformation
Ether-Seed of Ether (Space): Rebirth
Ether-Seed of Earth: Gestation
Ether-Seed of Water: Daring
Ether-Seed of Fire: Incubation
Ether-Seed of Air: Logos-The Word

Recommended reading

The Art and Practice of Astral Projection by Ophiel 1974
(Gives all the necessary theory and directions to enter the astral plane, function there, and return with memory available.)
Magical Tattwa Cards. A Complete System for Self-Development by Dr. Jonn Mumford 1997
THE GREAT SECRET By Carl Llewellyn Weschcke
How many times has someone promised to reveal "the Great Secret" that will bring you Wealth, Health, Power and Love? Like many people, I am sure this has happened to you more than once. Well, did you get this Great Secret? Or, should I ask, did it bring you the Wealth, Health, Power and Love you wanted?
I bet not, regardless of how much money you paid for that Great Secret.
But, that doesn't mean there isn't a Great Secret that will enable you to obtain all the material things you want.
A half-century ago, a little recognized American occultist named Ophiel told me that the greatest contribution from the eastern world to western esotericism was to be found in the Hindu Tantric practices involving the Tattwas. Later I learned that work with the Tattwas had been incorporated into the magical practices of the famous Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn back in the late 1800's. And then, in 1971, a brilliant Australian teacher, Dr. Jonn Mumford, taught me how to activate the Tattwas in my own mind. And why!
That's where the Great Secret starts - in your MIND.
What are these Tattwas?
The Tattwas are the five elements (not four, not 92, and not 110) that make up the foundations of our Material World in combination with the two fundamental 'forces' of Consciousness and Energy. The Tattwas are the forms of Energy behind the manifestation of all Matter. Remember Einstein's famous equation E=mc² where "E" stands for Energy and "m" stands for Matter? It demonstrates that every substance in the world is made up of these five elemental energies.
Universal Mind, including our individual minds, is itself Energy and it is this energetic connection that enables you with your mind to access and work with these fundamental energies and forces behind all material manifestation.
The Tattwas are represented in printed images that are then called Yantras. A Yantra is defined by Mumford as "a tool for focusing the mind, encouraging conception, and invoking or evoking elemental forces." (All quotations in this article are taken from his book, "Magical Tattwas" 1997 which is included with 25 Tattwa cards and one ritual card in a boxed set) It is also important to more clearly describe the function of the Tattwa cards as "'information storage and retrieval devices' of amazing potency. They are the primary building blocks from which all magical symbols, sigils, talismans, ciphers and designs are composed." "The Tattwa 'triggers' the psychic layers of our mind through the compressed power of it's geometrical shape, the primal colors vibrating forth, and the implied numerical concepts in each shape."
The Miracle of the One Thing
Through Mind, everything is connected and it is by means of powerful symbols that your mind enters into the five elements.
It is by means of our mental image that we are able to relate to the elemental energy of the particular tattwa. Each image stirs up a host of associations intrinsic to their nature and human history.
Earth: stability, security, beginnings and foundations. The Deep Unconscious, the Id. Also instigating or starting anything new, or anew.
Water: childhood, oceans, mystery, recurring cycles, wishes, romance, and wonder. The Preconscious dream (astral) world, emotion and relationships. Also fertilizing, germination, irrigation, networking, organizing for cooperative work.
Fire: fires, sex, blood, passion, danger, warmth, ambition, burning desire. Action driven by motivation. Also creativity, optimism, transformation and transmutation.
Air: completeness, rings, wholeness, reincarnation, recurrence (but not recurring cycles). Unbridled Imagination. Also testing by nature's elements, emotional reevaluations.
Ether: birth/creation, fertility, eternity/infinity/immensity, Deity, space. Fresh insights leading to new growth and change. Also rapid growth.
Earlier I mentioned 25 Tattwa Cards. The Tattwas are not manifest in the physical world in their full purity, but always in combinations. We refer to these combinations as one containing the "seed" of itself or another - thus 25 combinations.
Eyes are the Doorway to the Soul
Do you remember that poetic phrase so often used between lovers? It does contain truth, and 2,500 years ago the Samkhya masters employed the unique practice of Tratak to "burn" the image of the chosen Tattwa into your mind.
Look at this image of the Tattwa for "Fire - seed of Air" which combines the elemental energies of Fire and Air. As you look, the colors almost turn three-dimensional. Now, to perform tratak you need to stare at the center of this image without blinking for as long as you can stand it. As you do so, the colors will start to "flash" around the edges and the image will almost float off the card. Now close your eyes and you will see an after image in complementary colors floating before your Third Eye. (Some people will have better results by staring at a white space instead of closing their eyes.)
The more you do this work with each of the twenty-five compound images - reaching the point when you can see the after images at will - the more easily you will enter into the elemental energies through your mind. To our knowledge, The Magical Tattwa Cards are the first time this natural physiologic process of 'flashing colors' has been made available in printed cards.
And it is also the first time that the Tattwa elements have been presented for use in divination/scrying, along with chakra stimulation, systematic daily meditations, Mind Magic to actually shape the future, the making of flashing talismans, and psychic stimulation for clairvoyance. More on this later.
The real secret is that it takes work to train the mind to such new levels of awareness and ability to actually interact with the world of matter at the Quantum Level where change is possible. Here it is where you can actually shape "reality" - the physical world where we live and breath and where PRACTICAL MAGIC can be carried out.
And that's one of the points of this article - to make magic really work, effectively and efficiently, you start from within the mind at the appropriate energy levels. The same principle applies to the development of the 'psychic' skills of divination and clairvoyance, astral travel, and balanced spiritual growth.
The twenty-five Tattwa Cards provide the tools for a complete system for Self-Development in the most efficient and convenient method I've discovered in 65 years of study. The accompanying book not only details the applications in magical and spiritual work but outlines a simple program of daily meditation to quickly and naturally develop your magical and psychic skills.
Outward manifestation and INNER POWER
I have emphasized the practical applications of magic and divination for two reasons:
1.In this material world, we need all the help we can get to live a good life. These skills will enable you to multiply all your own aptitudes, training and education for outer (material) world success.
2.Successful outer world manifestations are a measure of the success of your mental training, and it is here that your attainment of real Inner Power becomes part of your life-long journey to wholeness.
Some "teachers" advocate giving up material things to focus only on selfless 'spiritual' goals. Often these same teachers recommend that you donate your material wealth to them to carry on their work. Sometimes you will see them living in fine mansions and being driven about in expensive cars. Why is their work different than your own? I believe that turning your back upon the material world is to ignore the gift of Life and the essence of the "Plan" for the continual growth and evolution of each person and of humanity as a whole. We are caretakers of this planet and need both knowledge and skills to work within natural principles to fulfill the purpose of our being. Don't give your wealth away to charlatans or waste it on empty promises!
You have an obligation to learn and apply these Inner Powers in the here and now of this world we live in. Always do the best you can, and then learn more so you can do better.
Divination & Fortune-Making
At every moment YOU live within a "situation" when the various Tattwic Forces are focused in a unique manner that includes space, time and a circle of other people. What this situation is either affects you or provides you with an opportunity to bring your own inner powers to bear to improve the situation for your own needs.
There are many ways to determine the nature of the situation - Astrology, Dream Analysis, Numerology, Oracles of one sort or another, Tarot - all with particular values. Now Dr. Mumford has made this modern adaptation of a 2,500 year old system in order that you may directly perceive the energetic matrix.
Dr. Mumford provides a complete interpretation of each card as a "navigational guide" to answer specific and well-thought out questions. He points out that each of us is Divine, and that the very word "divination" asserts our connection with the universal creative forces within which we have our being. Your act of divination not only reads the moment in relation to your question but immediately affects its outcome. "Fortune-telling" is fortune-making, so be careful in what you ask for - neither too specific nor not specific enough.
Real divination is to awaken your divine powers, and is best performed within a ritual context which is completely described in the 288 "Magical Tattwas" book and facilitated with one additional ritual card in the complete set - 26 cards in all.
Scrying, Clairvoyance & Astral Travel
Scrying is taught through a twenty-eight day cycle of exercises building your visionary skills followed by focused concentration/meditations on the Tattwa Card of choice as a "gateway" to a particular level of the astral plane and communication with those spiritual beings and forces. In this program, most people will begin to see auras, learn to see "the body as an extension of the mind" for remote viewing and astral projection, and evoke spirits.
A complete program of scrying is described to evoke imagery from the Unconscious Mind, otherwise known as the Collective Unconscious by means of the Tattwa Cards.
Chakra Stimulation & Healing
Each of the pure Tattwas is associated with one of the five major chakras that are in turn associated with particular areas of the body and particular psychological states. Through the ability you will have now learned to internalize the color and shape of each element you can now use them to stimulate particular chakra points on the body in the healing of both physical and psychological problems. The book guides you to use visualization on the body area in association with a particular silent sound (Bija Mantra) and breathing sequence that further empower the chakras to affect desired change.
Practical Magic to Shape the Future
Now, back to the beginning I told you that it is by means of our mental image that we are able to relate to the elemental energy of the particular tattwa. Dr. Mumford's book includes a complete program for utilizing this image-making power to become image-projecting through which you evoke the pure primal energy of a chosen tattwa to surround the image of the outcome of that which you desire.
You've no doubt read about "creative visualization" but now you know the great secret by which creative visualization is given nuclear power!
Yes, this takes more work than simple spell-casting, but remember the Einstein formula of E=mc² where "E" stands for Energy and "m" stands for Matter. Whatever is material contains an enormous quantity of energy - hence you have to pour an enormous quantity of energy into your visualization to make it materialize. Sometimes this does happen in simple spell-casting and wishful thinking powered by emotions, candle-burnings, incense-burnings, chanting, dancing, etc. but those are all more convoluted and chancy ways to bring about the materialization of imaged desire.
Tattwic empowerment is the more direct and efficient way. Yes, the training involves takes more work than simpler methods, but it not only is more sure in its results but the mental training itself is permanent and applies in every avenue of your life. "Mental Magic is the occult science of altering the physical circumstances in your life, employing psychic or nonphysical means to mediate a transformation." Think of that word, transformation:
To transform means to make change, to shape the future.
To transform is to affect an electric current (a transformer).
That's it - we bring about change when we charge the image with energy - the electric current that we impose over the desired outcome through the powerful Tattwic image that connects our mind with the Universal Mind - the Source of All.
A Complete System
I promised you a "Complete System for Self-Development" and that is what the "Magical Tattwa Card" set of Tattwa Cards and 288 page book provides. Yes, it is a training program that involves work - but work is the energy that must be input if you want output - the output of a system of transformation of Self and Your World. Yes, it costs money (which is another form of energy), but the sooner you place your order the sooner you take the first step to your new life.)
Flying Roll XXXVI. Of Skrying & Traveling in the Spirit Vision. by V. H. Soror V.N.R
